Native Game Recipes

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

The majority of game that tastes gamey, nasty, raunchy, sour or just plain awful does so for one of two reasons: you messed up in the process of picking a target or you didn't treat the meat properly after you killed it ~ sadly common outcomes among today's generation of sport hunters who kill for antlers and not for meat. This resource contains information on how to properly prepare native game.

The details..

'Gamey' Tasting Game, How to Fix is a guide aimed at sport hunters who want their game meat to be as delicious as possible. The author emphasizes the importance of selecting the right animal and treating it correctly after it has been killed in order to avoid an unpleasant flavor.

The book explains that gaminess can result from picking an unsuitable target or failing to handle the meat properly after killing it. It advises readers on what characteristics they should look for when choosing an animal, such as plumpness and fat content, rather than simply going for size or antlers.

In addition, the book offers advice on butchering techniques that will help ensure high-quality meat with no off-putting flavors. This includes instructions on how best to kill animals quickly and humanely using either throat-stabbing or brisket-sticking methods.

Overall, this informative guide is essential reading for anyone looking not just for trophies but also tasty meals from their hunting expeditions.

Resource Info

Page count: 110
Size: 299kb
File Type: pdf


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